Q I see cracks and/or bulges in my shower/tub tile. Was it installed incorrectly?
A Very likely. This is a result of older installations which have absorbed water (like a sponge) from the bottom of the installation. Generally, this occurs consistent with grout cracks and the loss of the water barrier.
Q I have no hot water.
A It could be any one or a combination of the follow: • A breaker has tripped • A thermostat has failed • A heating element has failed • The output valve from the heater has been closed
Q When do I know I need a professional plumber?
A When you walk across the carpet and your shoes squish.
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Q How long should a water heater last?
A Our average in Sarasota is approximately 12 years depending on the water source and typical usage. Heating elements are the most common problem. This is a relatively inexpensive repair.
Q I live in a condo and although my water heater is not leaking, when should I consider replacing it?
A Although the average is 12 years, we recommend changing at 10 year intervals due to the possible property damage for which you may be liable.
Q I have no hot water.
A It could be any one or a combination of the follow: • A breaker has tripped • A thermostat has failed • A heating element has failed • The output valve from the heater has been closed
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Q Why does my toilet flush by itself?
A Actually it’s not. What you are hearing is a very expensive water leak. Very inexpensive to repair. The auto-fill valve is refilling the tank to the correct level as a result of the leak
Q My toilet flushes very sloooooowly.
A Depending on the water source, in many cases, the jets around the bowl are plugged with calcium or other mineral deposits. Perhaps debris in the sewer line or there could be a stoppage due to inappropriate items being flushed. This may be particularly true in the case of septic systems. In the case of calcium deposits, it usually requires the service of a pro- fessional plumber. Depending on how the toilet is used, a natural product such a Bio-Clean® will do much to improve and maintain the performance of the system.
Q I’ve been told to put a gallon jug of water in my toilet tank to conserve water. Does this really work?
A No. It actually defeats the function and flush performance of the toilet. Just as if you removed the wires from two spark plugs in your car you will save gas but you won’t enjoy the drive.
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Q When I run my sink disposal it seems very noisy. What’s up with that?
A Several possibilities: A foreign object has found its way into the unit and will not grind; the motor bearings are worn; a cutter blade has come loose.
Q My disposal only hums.
A It’s because it doesn’t know the words. Seriously, it is likely an object has become lodged in the unit.
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Q When should I change my washing machine hoses?
A Ideally, you should shut the water valves after each use. It such cases, you can expect 15-20 years use. Realistically, you should visually inspect the hoses monthly when you change your air condition filter. Look for cracks and bulges. If you leave the valves on continuously, we recommend you change hoses every 5 years.
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Q My septic tank hasn’t been pumped in years. When should I have it done?
A Depending on how many people are using the system will dictate the frequency of such service. Generally, a household of four will require less service than that of a two person household as the system is able to function for efficiently. There are exceptions of course. Female occupants produce more paper waste thus inhibiting the system's performance.
A rule of thumb for good septic results: Nothing goes in the toilet except human waste or something which came from the earth.
For example, toilet tissue is a byproduct of trees. Tampons are not. Nor are most feminine hygiene products. Even those which are flushable are NOT suitable for septic systems.
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Q I have no water!
A If you are on a city or county system, check to see if the supply valve has been closed by mistake.
If you are on a well, check to see if the well pump is operating correctly
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Q I have no hot water.
A It could be any one or a combination of the follow: • A breaker has tripped • A thermostat has failed • A heating element has failed • The output valve from the heater has been closed
Q Why are faucets and fixtures are so cheap at home improvement centers like Home Depot or Scotties?
A Several reasons: 1) The power of large purchases; 2) factory seconds; 3) inferior product quality which may look like a bargain at the time.
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